Male & Female Complementarity – a vital issue and a superb video

Man.  Woman.  Maleness.  Femaleness.  Marriage.  Family.  Gender.  Difference.

Anyone with ears open knows that these are important issues in today’s world.  And also that our culture is attempting to radically alter the fabric of these things.

Presently, there is an international colloquium taking place at the Vatican – Humanum.  It is concerning issues of gender, marriage, sexuality, and family.  It is a collaboration between Catholics, Evangelicals, and others to recommit to the basic foundation of our common humanity.

This is the first of a series of videos produced to help articulate the philosophical and theological basis for male/female complementarity.  This first one is superb.  And a Must-Watch.

May this project be blessed and glorify the One who created by dividing (Genesis 1)


re:  On Marriage and Temple Desecration, C C Pecknold, First Things


Commanded To Remember

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you are also in the body.  Hebrews 13:3

We are commanded to remember.  Remember what?  Remember those Christians who have been imprisoned and otherwise mistreated for their confession of faith.  This is not just the stuff of ancient Rome.  It happens today around the world in many different forms – from intimidation, to repression of religious freedom, to imprisonment and even death.

This week is the International Day of Prayer for those persecuted around the globe.  Who decides on the day?  I have no idea but it is a perennial command of the Christian Faith.  A day to focus on it is a wonderful thing.

Remember…  and pray.

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for more:

Voice of the Martyrs Canada

International Christian Concern